Usually I don't really watch tv very often, occasionally I watch cnn or the weather channel, but thats the extent of it. The last two weeks, I have had the tv on almost constantly when I'm in my hotel room. The only thing that I watch now is CNBC. The mess in the economy is amazing. The stock market has become absolutely fascinating to me. I have a new hobby and I love it. In addition to trading real stocks, I have also opened some free practice accounts. So essintially I can "pretend" that I am trading masssive amounts of stocks and it doesn't cost me a penny. I've also been "pretending" to trade in foreign currencies. Thats fun, but is still confusing to me and I don't think I would attempt it in real life. The biggest problem so far is that its costing me a lot of sleep, I've been staying up til all hours "studying" stocks. I can't wait to get home so that I can get some sort of real balance in my life.
I wonder if maybe our country will finally see the end of this conspicious consumption binge that we have been on. I wouldn't mind. I think we all are a little spoiled and maybe have too much stuff. I think if we tighten our belts a little we can all come out stronger when this mess is over.
So, if anyone is really bored. I have been slacking off lately when it comes to working out, and to get myself back in gear, I decided to run 100 times in 100 days, I am on day 2 of it right now. You can check out that blog at
And of course, here are some pics of the animals I saw today.
Here is a California donkey that kept making weird noises.

A California Lizard

And here are some California deer. Apparently they are very spoiled and need to have a roof over there head.