I finished up over there yesterday and then today I drove to Klamath Falls, Oregon which took about 12 hours because I detoured through Reno so that I could stop at REI, which is my favorite store!!
So anyways, between that and studying the stock market crash to see if theres any way that I can get rich off of it, I haven't had to much time to post or sleep or workout. It should lighten up a little bit tomorrow. I have a nice easy task for this week, I will be working just South of Malin, Oregon on both sides of the California/Oregon state line. And its actually in a flat, farmed valley. My legs will appreciate that.
I did take a couple of pix the last few days. If you click on them, they get bigger. I recommend going back to my first post and clicking on the rat. He's actually cute for a rat.
This first picture is of a gorgeous canyon that I hiked up. I took this picture about 1800' above, and about 6 miles in from where I parked. Where I parked was probably about 30 miles from the nearest paved road, and that is actually one of the most easily accessible places on this entire job.

While I was walking out, I found a lucky horse shoe!!!

And here is a self portrait that I took after getting back to the truck. I am waiting on my crew. I am always waiting on my crew. It seems like for every mile we walk, I somehow gain a 15 minute lead on them.

And yesterday the snow arrived, here I am turning around after I hit a spot that was just to steep. We ended up getting about 5 inches. Probably more at higher elevations.